Please Complete A Cat Health Survey For Royal (Dick) Vet Masters Student

Could you help a Masters student at The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies with an online survey?

Cat owners living anywhere in the UK, including Edinburgh, are being offered the opportunity to participate in research conducted by a Masters student at the vet school.

Cats eligible for the study can be indoor or outdoor, pedigree or non-pedigree. For a multi cat’ household specific guidance is provided on which cat to submit.

This is an online survey only and there’s no further requirement. Just complete the survey.

The survey just takes 20 minutes to complete and you are also asked to submit 2 photographs of your cats head.

The survey focuses on the general health and .lifestyle of cats. It also includes questions on your thoughts on different breeds of cats and their risk of developing illnesses. Uploading photographs is optional but very helpful. It’s worth noting that none of the photographs submitted will be appear in the public realm.

This survey of cats is concerned with their general health and lifestyle. If submitting photos (and we know cat owners like to take photos) is a face shot from the front and the side of the face including chin and ears. Don’t worry, examples are provided to guide you. A video clip of your cat breathing, for about 10-15 seconds is also useful. Breathing rate can be a useful indicator of cat health.

An important point to note is that each household should only complete ONE questionnaire for the OLDEST cat in the house. If you own a pedigree cat(s) the survey should be completed for that. However if you only own non pedigrees, please complete the survey for the oldest non pedigree.

If you are a cat owner and would like to do your bit for feline research you can find it by clicking on this link

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